Szkolne Koło Krajoznawczo-Turystyczne


  Prezentacja szkoły słowackiej

Zdruzena stredna skola doprawy, obchodu a sluzieb
Cintorinska 4,  950 50 Nitra Slovak Republic

Slovakia is a beautiful small country in the heart of Europe. 
Its total area is 49 035 sq km and it has 5.38 million inhabitants.




The majority of the population is of Slovak origin, but there live also Hungarians, Romans, Ukrainians, Czechs, Poles, Jewish and others minorities in the country. The official language is Slovak but there are various dialects in some regions.

The capital of Slovakia – Bratislava, is the biggest town of the country (450 000 inhabitants). Nitra (87 000 inhabitants) lies in the southwestern part of the country 80 km far from Bratislava.

The school year begins on September 1st and finishes on June 30th in Slovakia. There are autumn, winter, spring and Easter holidays during the school year.

Children start to go to school at the age of six in Slovakia. They begin their 10-year compulsory school attendance at the elementary school. The elementary school lasts for nine years but some clever students may leave it after the 4th class and go on their study at 8-year secondary grammar schools (after passing entrance exams).

The majority of the pupils leave the elementary school after the 9th class. Then they have to decide whether to go on their study at a secondary grammar school (after passing entrance exams) that prepares students for study at universities, or at a comprehensive school (it gives a professional education but prepares for the study at universities too), at a school for apprentices (the study takes for 3 or 4 years) or at an art school. At this time there are state, private and religious schools in Slovakia.

The average length of the study at the secondary school is four years. At the end of the 4th year students have to pass a school-leaving exam, consisting of oral, written and practical parts. If a student doesn’t manage to pass the examination on the first attempt, he is offered a second chance in September and the third one in February next year.

The United Secondary School of Transport, Commerce and Services in Nitra was established on 1st October 2001 as a result of uniting the Secondary School for Apprentices and the Girl’s Professional School. It is a state school, supported by the local board.

The building of the school is really historical - it is 122 years old. Its history began in 1883 when the original School for Apprentices was founded. It prepared 230 apprentices in various branches for the enterprises in the town. The School for Apprentices was one of the greatest schools in the West Slovakia region. First two classes of Girl’s Professional School were opened in 1991. There were two independent schools in one building for ten years. But they had the same headmaster and three principals. The school obtained a good reputation during its history. The sign of it is an increasing interest in the study at this school and satisfied employees of our former students.

Nowadays the great problem of the school is the number of students, classes and classrooms. There were 1024 students in 41 classes last school year at our school (the number of teachers is 55). But there are only 23 classrooms in the building (including two computer rooms, two rooms for teaching typing and one language-room). In fact three classrooms of 23 are situated in a separate building in the middle of a small schoolyard. Some students of educational branches have to “move” away from the main building to another one in the town to have their lessons there. Most lessons begin at 8 a. m., but very often at 7.10 a. m. too and even at 12.30 p. m. (superstructure courses - on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday). Students have 32 or 33 lessons from Monday to Friday; it means 6 or 7 daily. Lessons last for 45 minutes and breaks during lessons are 5 or 10 minutes long and there is one break of 20 minutes for lunch. But we have no opportunity to have dinner at school canteen because there is any. School has only one small playground and one small gymnasium in the basement.

 “Zdruľená stredná ąkola” educates students in various branches, such as:

  • Branches specialized to cosmetics, business and enterprising in trade and tourism (the study lasts for 4 years and ends with school leaving examinations),

  • 3-year educational branches (car mechanic, electrician, hairdresser, photographer, plumber, varnisher, shop assistant),

  •  2-year superstructure courses (city transport, commerce, hair cosmetics, manufacture and services).

Our students have taken part in various extracurricular activities and competitions of local and national levels. For example Car mechanic JUNIOR, Competition in Literature and Art painting, Professional Activity of students from various secondary schools, Ampho and Diaphoto, International competition in mathematics, competitions in English and German languages, athletics, football, volleyball, typing, competition “Show what you are able to do”, “Bata Junior”, “Enterprise of the Youth”… Students used to be very successful especially in sport, typing and language competitions.

It is very complicated to organize some after-school activities because of the timetable. The favourite after-school activity is Internet, conversation in foreign languages and Riflemen Club. When students ask for extra lessons teachers are always willing to give assistance.