Szkolne Koło Krajoznawczo-Turystyczne


  Sokrates Comenius

Gimnazjum Nr 2 z Oddzia³ami Integracyjnymi im. Ignacego £ukasiewicza w Ja¶le

Jas³o, numbering about 40 thousand people, is a town situated in Podkarpacie Province, in the south-east of Poland, 70 kilometers from Rzeszow and 150 kilometers from Cracow. The present area of Jas³o forms an unshapely triangle of 3,365 hectares.




Jas³o, numbering about 40 thousand people, is a town situated in Podkarpacie Province, in the south-east of Poland, 70 kilometers from Rzeszow and 150 kilometers from Cracow. The present area of Jas³o forms an unshapely triangle of 3,365 hectares.

         Gimnazjum Nr 2 z Oddzia³ami Integracyjnymi im. Ignacego £ukasiewicza w Ja¶le was founded by Jas³o City Council on 11th March 1999 due to a new educational reform and started its work on 1st September 1999. The school was located in the buildings of Primary School No 9.

The headmistress of the school is Mrs Aleksandra Zajdel-Kijowska (MA) and her assistant principals are: Mrs Renata Goleñ (MA), Mrs Ewa Kosiek (MA) and Mr Lucjan Tomalski (MSc).

         Students, aged 14 to 16, attend school for 3 years. There are 15 compulsory subjects in the school curriculum: Polish, History, Biology, Geography, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Computer Studies, Social Studies, Technology, Art, Music, Physical Education and 2 foreign languages: English and German. Religion Education is an optional subject.

        Lessons take place from Monday to Friday, for 5 days a week. They are held from 8 am until 2 pm. On average students have 6 lessons a day. Each lesson lasts for 45 minutes and breaks are 5 minutes long, except for a 10-minute brunch break and 15-minute lunch one.

         The characteristic feature of the school is the existence of integrated classes. In fact it’s the only school of this kind in our administrative district in which disabled students can learn together with their healthy colleagues in friendly, caring and tolerant atmosphere. The disabled teenagers are looked after by assistant teachers and their work is based on special schemes, prepared individually in accordance with their deficiency. Nowadays, there are 6 integrated classes and 28 typical ones.

         On 1st September 2005 two new kinds of classes came into being in our school. One of them is the linguistic class with the increased number of English lessons (5 lessons a week – 2 lessons more in comparison with other classes) and the other – with Mathematics as the leading subject. These new forms enable students with special abilities to develop linguistic or mathematical interests and skills.

          There are from 20 to 30 students in every class. Nowadays 850 teenagers attend our school (399 girls and 451 boys). Some of them live in the city of Jas³o while others come from the suburbs and nearby villages. The school provides free transport for the students who commute every day.

Our pupils come from various families and backgrounds. The basic differences regard parents’ education, jobs, employment and financial situation.

          The main mission of the school is educating the alumni who can be not only the citizens of Poland and the world but also celebrities of our Little Homeland. In our institution young people are provided with suitable opportunities to educate and be brought up in the atmosphere of tolerance, respect for humanistic and moral values. The school attaches great importance to students’ interests in other countries, foreign cultures, customs and traditions. Besides, it motivates them to involvement with different fields of education.

         The school offers lots of extra-curriculum activities and the pupils can also belong to numerous clubs or organizations so they have good conditions to extend their knowledge, improve skills or develop abilities.

Popular clubs and organizations are: European Club ”Eurogim”, School Theatre, School Radio, Volunteer’s Club, School Choir, Poetry Club, Journalist’ Club, Art Club, Tourist Club ”Hamak”, Film Club,  The Regional History Club, Models Clubs ”Falcon”,  Olympian Club, Scouting Association ”Foxes”  and different sports sections.

Apart from these clubs and organizations there are also some extra classes strictly connected with obligatory school subjects which aim at increasing students’ knowledge of the subject.

Our teachers and pupils organize lots of periodical educational events at school and in the region. They both promote the school itself and create an environment favourable to  students’ interests.

       At present our Gimnazjum is the institution with some tradition and status.

It has been given the title of ”The first-rate school” – signed and supported by Polish President Aleksander Kwa¶niewski, The Certificate Of Citizen Education Centre and 2 grants - from L. Kronenberg’s  Bank Fundation and Children’ s and Youth’s Polish Fundation.

Besides the school cooperates with Eotvos Josef Gimnazium Szeged in Hungary. The main aim and intention of this cooperation is not only the development of different educational aspects  but also the youth integration through mutual getting information of cultural heritage and organizing common rest during winter or summer holidays.

        The students of our school have always taken part in different kinds of competitions and they have been successful in motley spheres and fields.

The important achievements include great successes in: European School Contest ”Europe at school”, ”My Homeland as a democratic country” ( finalist titles at provincial and all-Polish levels), a seat in IX Children’s and Youth’s Parliament. Besides, the members of School Tourists Club ”Hamak” were awarded first prize in all-Polish Contest for  ”The Best Tourists Club in 2004”.

       Nowadays 95 teachers of different specialities work in Gimnazjum No 2. Most of them are prepared for working with disabled students. Many have qualifications to teach 2 school subjects. The teachers tend to receive new qualifications or experience and improving their skills at extra courses, conferences and post-graduate schools.

       Gimnazjum Nr 2 z Oddzia³ami Integracyjnymi im. Ignacego £ukasiewicza w Ja¶le is located in the biggest and the most modern building of all schools in our town. Moreover, it’s fully adjusted to the needs of disabled students. There is a special drive, a toilet and a cloakroom for teenagers in wheelchairs       

The school building consists of  21 classrooms, 12 laboratories, 3 computer rooms which are equipped with wired internet access and school www net.           Our school boasts a variety of facilities. Apart from classrooms for general, everyday  use there is also  a big library, a reading-room, 2 gym halls, 4 sports fields, a weights room, a tennis court, a youth club, a rehabilitation room.           The school offers specialist help as well so there are offices for: a psychologist, an educator, a re-educator, a therapist, a rehabilitation teacher, a dentist, a school nurse. The students can also have dinners at school canteen.